Peripheral uveitis (pars planitis or chronic cyclitis) is a disease entity that was described by Dr. Charles Schepens and Associates in the 1950’S. It is one of the most common types of ocular inflammation.

This inflammation has a predisposition for young adults. It is a widespread inflammation involving all parts of the eye including the vitreous, retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels. It may last for 10-15 years but usually it “burns itself out’ in the second or third decade of life. There is no preference for race or sex and it usually affects both eyes.

Peripheral uveitis is a chronic disease with a gradual onset and the symptoms are initially very mild, Blurry vision, floaters, and mild redness of the eyes are the most common symptoms. Peripheral uveitis is a chronic recurring inflammation which can cause secondary side effects such as cataract, scar tissue, and macular degeneration.

It is important therefore to control the inflammation in order to prevent or minimize these secondary complications.

There is no known cause for peripheral uveitis but the inflammation can be controlled by using anti-inflammatory agents. These can be administered in the form of pills, drops, or injections under the skin adjacent to the eye. In the more severe and persistent cases, cryotherapy (freezing) is used to control the inflammation.

The prognosis for maintaining good vision in most cases is good.